Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mozilla Optimizer 1.6.3 Torrent Download


Seeds: 104 Leechers: 57
Category: Tweak|Browser Tweak
Developer: ComputerBase
Size: 211 MB

Torrent Size: 211 mb
Files: 3



Mozilla Optimizer torrent

Mozilla Optimizer

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Review: Mozilla Firefox has already impressed us with its speed, why not? Not surprisingly, this browser is now installed on millions of computers worldwide. If you need further optimizations for speed, jumping in Firefox hidden configuration options can have some very positive results. On the other hand, if you want to avoid tweaking the browser manually, is not it? Always second option. It? Called Mozilla Optimizer and comes as a downloadable tool to increase speed of page loading. In addition to addressing Firefox, Mozilla Optimizer also works with Firebird and Netscape 6 and 7. In short, the older versions of Firefox can be manually adjusted, allowing HTTP Pipelining and keep alive functions, so that the pages can be loaded faster than standard versions. Mozilla Optimizer automatically makes the whole thing so that all you really need to do is press the apply button and you're ready to go. The application is completely portable, which means you can carry around a removable drive, without overloading your system? S register. The simple interface is simple, involving only a few options regarding the browsers you want to optimize. If you want to revoke the optimizations made certain point, you can turn? Remove? Similarly, whichresults to erase all previous settings. To conclude, Mozilla Optimizer is really a great tool if you do not make manual adjustments browser fantasy. It? S the perfect solution to pages load faster, resulting in more productive navigation experience.

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